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Do You Have Diabetic Symptoms?

Updated: Mar 26, 2024

According to the data collected by the Texas Department of State Health Services by the end of 2015, an estimated 11% of adults in Texas have diabetes and 8.1% have pre-diabetes. Nationally, the rates of these devastating diseases continue to skyrocket. With obesity and sedentary lifestyles becoming more and more common, the risks of diabetes and related health conditions are not going away.

How do you know if you have diabetes? Sometimes the warning signs are so mild that you may not notice them without being told, but our urgent care is here to offer some help so that you can determine if you might be at risk.

There are two types of diabetes our urgent care doctor can test you for, but both have some common telltale signs which include:

· More hungry than usual

· More fatigued than usual

· Peeing more often

· Being extremely thirsty

· Dry mouth

· Itchy, dry skin

· Blurred vision

Symptoms specific to Type 1 Diabetes include:

· Unplanned weight loss

· Nausea and vomiting

Symptoms specific to Type II Diabetes include:

· Yeast infections (both men and women) between fingers, toes, under breasts, or in or around sex organs

· Slow-healing sores or cuts

· Pain or numbness in feet or legs

Both of these diseases are extremely serious and require medical attention to manage. More importantly, if you’re over 45 years of age or have any of the above symptoms, it is important for you to get tested. Early detection of diabetes is important and can give patients a much better prognosis and the ability to manage their health conditions. Making appropriate lifestyle changes can significantly reduce nerve damage, heart trouble, or other complications.

Remember, we’re always here when you have a medical need. We have several locations to better serve you. Walk-ins are always welcome, so if you feel that any of the information provided in this article pertains to you, please don’t hesitate to come in for a diabetes screening. 

Click here for a list of our locations and hours of operation!

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